We offer a full range of eye health services to clients of all ages - all with personalized attention and a smile. In our eye care office, every patient is treated warmly. Individualized attention is the foundation of our care, to ensure that your eyes remain healthy. We're dedicated to optimizing your vision!
Meet The Eye Doctors At 20/20 iCare
Dr. Martinez was born in Texas and has lived here most of my life. He lived in Mexico for a small portion of his childhood. Dr. Martinez went to undergraduate at Baylor, UT Austin. He received his doctorate in Optometry from the University of Houston School of Optometry. Dr. Martinez...
Dr. Robert Michael Prince is originally from Bryan, TX, and is a 1995 graduate of Texas A&M. In 2000 he received his doctorate of Optometry from State University of New York College of Optometry, so he's been practicing optometry for 20 years! He now lives in Temple, TX with his...
Dr. Long Do is originally from Arlington, Texas. He attended Bowie High School and graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. While at UTA he was a multi-year officer of Pre-Optometry Professional Society and work as an optometric technician at Boyd Eye...